CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA-Percentage Calculator

CBSE Grading System

  • Grades: The grades range from A1 (highest) to E2 (lowest), with each grade representing a specific performance level.
  • Grade Points: Each grade corresponds to a Grade Point. For example, A1 carries a Grade Point of 10, A2 carries 9, and so on.
  • CGPA: The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the average of Grade Points obtained in all subjects, excluding the additional 6th subject.
  • Minimum Passing Grade: The minimum grade required to pass a subject is ‘D’.
  • Compartment Exams: Students who receive E1 or E2 grades in any subject must appear for compartment exams to improve their scores and qualify in those subjects.
  • Qualitative Assessment: The grading system not only reflects academic performance but also encourages a broader perspective on student evaluation, considering factors like co-scholastic activities and overall development.
MarksGradesGrade Point
20 & belowE20

This grading system provides a comprehensive evaluation of students’ abilities and encourages a more well-rounded approach to education.

Converting CGPA to Percentage

To convert CGPA to an indicative percentage, multiply the CGPA by 9.5. This conversion is often necessary for college applications and other purposes where a percentage score is required.

Why multiply by 9.5?

The factor of 9.5 is used because the CBSE analyzed past results and found that the average marks of students scoring between 91 and 100 (A1 grade) were close to 95. Since the equivalent Grade Point for this range is 10, dividing the average result (95) by 10 gives 9.5.

Important Points:

  • The minimum qualifying grade for passing the board exam is D.
  • Students with E1 or E2 grades must appear for compartment exams.
  • CGPA is converted to an indicative percentage by multiplying it by 9.5.

This information provides a comprehensive overview of the CBSE Class 10 and 12 results, the grading system, compartment exams, and the CGPA to percentage conversion.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

*Select the grade you scored in each subject.

Subject Grade Grade Point Indicative Percentage
Language I (English)
Language II (Hindi)
Social Studies

Overall Indicative Percentage