Chapter 11 : The Smart Monkey – NCERT Class 2 English Solutions

Summary of Chapter 11: “The Smart Monkey”

The NCERT Class 2 English chapter “The Smart Monkey” is an interesting story that teaches us a valuable lesson. This story narrates the experience of two friends, Anju and Farida, who visit the market and buy snacks. After eating, they carelessly throw the groundnut packet and juice bottle on the ground. A monkey observing them sets an example by throwing his banana peel into the dustbin. Realizing their mistake, the two girls feel ashamed and dispose of their trash properly. This chapter teaches the importance of cleanliness, responsibility, and learning from others, even animals.

The Smart Monkey Class 2 Questions and Answers

Let us Speak

  1. Have you seen people throwing packets or bottles in the park or on the road? Talk about it.
    Answer: Yes, I have seen people throwing waste in parks or on the road. It makes the place dirty and not good for the environment.
  2. After having biscuits, what do you do with the wrapper?
    Answer: I always throw the wrapper in the dustbin.
  3. Imagine you are sitting under a tree. What do you see on the tree?
    Answer: I see birds, branches and leaves on the tree.
  4. Is there a dustbin in your school? Do you know where it is?
    Answer: Yes, there are dustbins in my school. They are usually kept in the corners of the classrooms and in the corridors.

Let us Draw

A. Draw three things you use to clean your house.

draw a broom, mop and dustbin here


(Activity): Examples could be a broom, a mop, and a dustbin.

Let us Listen

A. Close your eyes and listen to your teacher say the following words.

Words and syllables from chapter the smart monkey

Say your name, clapping for each syllable of the name. How many times did you clap?

Answer: (This is an activity for students to do in class with their teacher.)

example: If your name is ‘Karthik’, break it down into syllables: Kar-thik (2 syllables). In this case, you would clap twice.”

Clap for each syllable in the given words.

monkeymon-key (2)
dustbindust-bin (2)
AnjuAn-ju (2)
bananaba-na-na (3)
FaridaFa-ri-da (3)
marketmar-ket (2)
packetpack-et (2)
classroomclass-room (2)

Let us Write

A. Read the following sentences. Put a ✓ for correct sentences and a ✗ for incorrect sentences.

  1. Anju and Farida went to their school.
  2. Anju bought a bag and Farida bought a water bottle.
  3. There was a bird on the branch of the tree.
  4. The monkey had a banana.
  5. The monkey threw the banana peel in the dustbin.


  1. Anju and Farida went to their school. ✗
  2. Anju bought a bag and Farida bought a water bottle. ✓
  3. There was a bird on the branch of the tree. ✗
  4. The monkey had a banana. ✓
  5. The monkey threw the banana peel in the dustbin. ✓

B. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Farida and Anju sat on ___ under the tree to rest.
  2. There was a monkey sitting ___ of the tree.
  3. The two girls had a ___ and a bottle of juice.
  4. The monkey threw the ___ into ___.


  1. Farida and Anju sat on a bench under the tree to rest.
  2. There was a monkey sitting on the branch of the tree.
  3. The two girls had a packet of groundnuts and a bottle of juice.
  4. The monkey threw the banana peel into the dustbin.

C. Write some of the things you do to keep your home and classroom clean.

  • I throw waste in the dustbin.
  • I try to keep my surroundings clean.
  • I arrange my books neatly on the shelf.
  • I clean the desk and chairs in my classroom.

Let us Do – Project Work

A. Have you ever gone to a nearby shop with your family members? Share your experiences in the class. You may also draw or paste pictures of some of the things you liked in the shop, in the box given below.

draw a picture


(Students should share their own experiences and drawings.)

Let us Speak

Look at the pictures:

Read the words below each picture

flag, flower, floor, cloud, clap and clock from the chapter the smart monkey


(This section requires students to look at the pictures and read the words in the textbook.)

Write sentences using the above words. One has been done for you.

Example: There is a clock in the classroom.

  • There is a flag on the wall.
  • There is a flower in the garden.
  • There is a floor mat in my house.


Chapter 11, “The Smart Monkey,” teaches children valuable lessons about cleanliness, responsibility, and learning from the behavior of others. It encourages proper waste disposal and maintaining a clean environment, emphasizing that even small actions can make a big difference. This chapter fosters good habits and awareness among young learners.

Complete NCERT Class 2 English Solutions

NCERT Solutions | Unit-wise ListChapter-wise Solutions
Unit 1: Fun with Friends1. My Bicycle Solutions
2. Picture Reading Solutions
Unit 2: Welcome to My World3. It Is Fun Solutions
4. Seeing without Seeing Solutions
Unit 3: Going Places5. Come Back Soon Solutions
6. Between Home and School Solutions
7. This is My Town Solutions
Unit 4: Life Around Us 8. A Show of Clouds Solutions
9. My Name Solutions
10. The Crow Solutions
Unit 5: Harmony12. Little Drops of Water Solutions
13. We Are All Indians Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions – The Smart Monkey

Where did Anju and Farida go?

Anju and Farida went to the market.

What is the summary of the smart monkey?

Anju and Farida go to the market where Anju buys a bag and Farida buys a water bottle. They then buy groundnuts and juice and sit under a tree to eat. They carelessly throw their trash on the ground. A monkey who was watching them from the tree throws his banana peel in the dustbin. Anju and Farida feel ashamed and pick up their trash, putting it in the dustbin.

What is the moral of the story the smart monkey?

The moral of the story “The Smart Monkey” is to always throw your trash in the dustbin and keep your surroundings clean. The story teaches us that littering is bad and we should learn from the monkey’s good example.  

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