Chapter 7: This is My Town – NCERT Class 2 English Solutions

Summary of Chapter 7: “This is My Town”

The NCERT Class 2 English chapter “This is My Town” is a charming poem that introduces young learners to the concept of scale and belonging. In this chapter, the narrator describes their town through a poem that moves from a general view to specific details, beginning with the town and ending with flowers in a basket. The poem helps children understand concepts of locality and spatial awareness, moving from the town to the street, house, room, bed, basket, and finally, flowers. This layered approach helps students visualize their surroundings and understand how different places and objects are connected.

Chapter 7: This is My Town – Questions and Answers

Let us speak

1. What do you see in the picture?

Answer: I see a town with people, houses, streets, and flowers.

2. What is the name of your town/city?

Answer: My town is called ___
[write name of your town]

3. What is the name of your street?

Answer: The name of my street is ___
[write name of your street]

Let us Write

A. Form words with the sets of letters given in the circles below. Then frame a sentence using that word.

ketters, b e d m o o r w t n o. from chapter 7 This is My Town


e, d, bBedThere is a bed in my room.
m, r, o, oRoomI have a table in my room.
w, t, n, oTownMy town has many beautiful parks.

A. Write your home address:

Name/house no, street, area, town, state and country

Answer: Write your address
(This activity helps children familiarize themselves with their home address.)

Let us Listen

A. Listen to your teacher. Your teacher will say one word from each column. Encircle the words you hear in each row.

Circle the words. fan, wall ,house, lane, skin, fin, well, mouse, line and swim

Answer (Activity): The teacher will read words from a list, and children will circle the correct ones (e.g., fan, wall, house, lane, skin).

Let us do

A. Read the poem again.

1. Count the number of times you see the letter ‘e’ in it.
Write the number here. ___

Answer: 46

2. Next, count the number of times you see the letter ‘u’ in it.
Write the number here. ___

Answer: 4

3. Which letter do you see more number of times?
Write the answer here. ___

Answer: ‘e’

B. Look at the two pictures given below. Can you spot the differences?

find the difference from chapter 7 This is My Town

Answer: (Activity) Look at two similar pictures and identify any differences between them. This exercise enhances observation skills.

Let us draw

A. Look at the picture. Add whatever you think is needed to complete it.

A scenery with hills, flowers, fences, blue sky and sun

Answer: Use a pencil to roughly sketch some objects. And then add colors. For example: a house, a tree, or children playing.

Let us Speak

A. Listen to the words that your teacher will read out. Point to the object that represents the word.

Shirt, shell and shoe

Answer: The student should point to the following objects when their teacher reads the words:

  • Shirt: Point to a picture or object that represents a shirt.
  • Shell: Point to a picture or object that represents a shell.
  • Shoe: Point to a picture or object that represents a shoe.

Let us Write

A. Write ‘sh’ to fill in the blanks. Read the sentences aloud.

The sun is __ining today. I am wearing T-shirt and __orts. My father is wearing a new __irt. My grandmother is folding a __awl. My uncle is polishing his __oes.

Answer: The sun is shining today. I am wearing a T-shirt and shorts. My father is wearing a new shirt. My grandmother is folding a shawl. My uncle is polishing his shoes.

NCERT Solutions | Unit-wise ListChapter-wise Solutions
Unit 1: Fun with Friends1. My Bicycle Solutions
2. Picture Reading Solutions
Unit 2: Welcome to My World3. It Is Fun Solutions
4. Seeing without Seeing Solutions
Unit 3: Going Places5. Come Back Soon Solutions
6. Between Home and School Solutions
Unit 4: Life Around Us 8. A Show of Clouds Solutions
9. My Name Solutions
10. The Crow Solutions
11. The Smart Monkey Solutions
Unit 5: Harmony12. Little Drops of Water Solutions
13. We Are All Indians Solutions


Chapter 7, “This is My Town”, helps children understand and appreciate their surroundings by encouraging them to observe and describe their own town and neighborhood. Through fun activities, children learn to identify and express the things that make their town special, developing a sense of place and community.

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