Bills of Quantities (BOQ) For Building Construction

A Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is an essential part of the building construction industry. It provides a detailed breakdown of materials, parts, and labor required for a construction project. This article will guide you through the steps to prepare a BOQ.

What is a Bill of Quantities?

A BOQ is a document used in the building construction industry that provides project specific measured quantities of the items of work identified by the drawings and specifications in the tender documentation. The quantities may be measured in number, length, area, volume, weight or time. Preparing a BOQ requires a detailed understanding of the construction process, the ability to analyze project requirements, and proficiency in using spreadsheet software.

Steps to Prepare a BOQ

1. Prepare a Spreadsheet

The first step in preparing a BOQ is to create a spreadsheet where you can record all the necessary information. This includes the description of the work, the unit of measurement, the quantity, the rate, and the total cost.

2. Break Down the Work into Sections

Next, divide the project into smaller, manageable sections. This could be based on the type of work (e.g., foundation, walls, roof), the materials used, or the sequence of construction.

3. Estimate Labor

Estimate the amount of labor required for each section. This should include all trades involved, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers.

4. Make an Initial Cost Estimate

Once you have all the quantities and labor estimates, you can calculate the initial cost estimate. This will give you a rough idea of the total cost of the project.

5. Draft a Schedule

Based on the quantities and labor estimates, draft a schedule for the project. This will help you plan the sequence of work and manage resources effectively.

6. Continue Using the BOQ Throughout the Project

A BOQ is not just a document to be prepared at the start of the project and then forgotten. It should be used throughout the project for cost control, progress payment, and to deal with changes and variations.

boq for building construction
Sample BOQ exclel Sheet

You can download the Excel file by clicking on the following link:

Please note that this is just a sample BOQ and the actual quantities and rates will vary depending on the specific project.

BOQ : Building Construction Format

A Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for building construction is typically organized in a tabular format with several key columns. Here’s a general format:

simple BOQ Sheet

Components of BOQ Sheet

  • Item No.: This column is for the serial number of the items of work. It helps in identifying and locating the item in the BOQ.
  • Description of Work: This column describes the nature of the work item. It should be detailed enough to clearly understand the scope of work.
  • Unit: This column specifies the unit of measurement for the work item. Common units include numbers, square meters, cubic meters, kilograms, etc.
  • Quantity: This column lists the quantity of each work item as per the unit of measurement.
  • Rate: This column lists the rate per unit for each work item. The rate includes the cost of materials, labor, and overheads.
  • Amount: This column is the product of the quantity and the rate. It represents the total cost for each work item.

The BOQ should be prepared in a systematic manner, starting from the initial stages of the construction process (like excavation, foundation) and going up to the finishing stages (like painting, polishing). Each major stage can be considered as a main heading (like 1.0, 2.0 in the table), and the tasks under each stage can be sub-items (like 1.1, 2.1 in the table).

Remember, the accuracy of a BOQ depends on the precision of drawings and specifications. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a detailed and clear understanding of the project before preparing a BOQ.

BOQ for Building Construction Projects

A Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is a critical document in the construction industry with a wide range of applications. Here are some of the key applications of a BOQ in construction:

  1. Cost Estimation: The primary purpose of a BOQ is to provide an accurate cost estimate for a construction project. It includes detailed information about the quantity and cost of materials, labor, and other resources required for the project.
  2. Cost Estimation: The primary purpose of a BOQ is to provide an accurate cost estimate for a construction project. It includes detailed information about the quantity and cost of materials, labor, and other resources required for the project.
  3. Tendering Process: In the tendering process, a BOQ serves as a basis for bidding. Contractors use the BOQ to prepare their bids, providing a price for each item of work listed in the BOQ.
  4. Project Planning and Scheduling: A BOQ helps in planning and scheduling the project. It provides a breakdown of the work items, which helps to sequence and create a project schedule.
  5. Project Management and Control: During the construction phase, a BOQ helps to control and manage projects. It helps in tracking the progress of work and controlling costs. Bill of quantities also helps in managing changes or variations.
  6. Payment Applications: A BOQ is also used for preparing payment applications. Contractors use the BOQ to claim payments based on the work completed during a particular period.
  7. Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes, a BOQ can serve as a reference document. It provides a clear and agreed record of the work items and their prices.

Overall, a BOQ is an essential document in the building construction industry. It plays a crucial role in various stages of a construction project, from initial cost estimation to final account settlement.

Types of Bills of Quantities

A Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is a crucial document in the construction industry that provides a detailed breakdown of the work items, quantities, and costs involved in a project. Depending on the project requirements and the stage of design development, different types of BOQs are employed.

1. Elemental Bills of Quantities

Elemental BOQs divide the project into distinct building elements, such as foundations, walls, roof, and finishes. Each element is further categorized into work sections or grouped according to the construction sequence. This type of BOQ is suitable for projects with a well-defined design and clear scope of work.

2. Trade Bills of Quantities

Trade BOQs organize the work items based on the specific trades involved, such as carpentry, masonry, electrical, and plumbing. This approach is particularly useful when allocating work packages to different contractors or subcontractors.

3. Operational Bills of Quantities

Operational BOQs focus on the operations or tasks required to complete the project. They list the activities in a logical sequence, considering the dependencies and interrelationships between different work items. Engineers use this type of BOQ in conjunction with project scheduling and planning.

4. Activity Bills of Quantities

Activity BOQs break down the project into distinct activities, such as excavation, concrete pouring, bricklaying, and painting. This approach is particularly useful for projects that involve repetitive or standardized tasks.

5. Annotated Bills of Quantities

Annotated BOQs include drawings and specifications for each item, providing a more comprehensive and detailed description of the work. This type of BOQ is particularly useful when the project involves complex or specialized work items.

6. Provisional Bills of Quantities

Provisional BOQs are used when the design is incomplete or uncertain, providing approximate quantities and costs based on available information. Engineers use this type of BOQ for early cost estimates and tendering purposes.

7. Firm Bills of Quantities

Firm BOQs are prepared with precise measurements and detailed descriptions, providing accurate pricing for each item. Civil Engineers use this type of BOQ after finalizing the design and defined the scope of work.

8. Approximate Bills of Quantities

Approximate BOQs are used when the design is not detailed enough to prepare a firm BOQ. They provide rough estimates of quantities and costs based on preliminary drawings and specifications.

Each type of BOQ serves a different purpose and is used in different contexts. The choice of which type to use depends on the specific requirements of the construction project.


Preparing a BOQ is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the building construction process. However, with careful planning and organization, it can be a valuable tool for managing construction projects. Being proficient in BOQ preparation is essential for construction professionals, including quantity surveyors, civil engineers, and project managers, to successfully execute projects within the desired timeframe and budgetary limits.

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