How to Craft a Winning Quantity Surveying Job Resume

As a quantity surveyor seeking employment opportunities, your curriculum vitae (CV) plays a vital role in landing your desired job. A well-crafted quantity surveying resume helps distinguish you from other candidates by demonstrating your skills, work experience, educational background, and overall suitability for the position. In this article, we will explore some essential tips to help you create a top-performing resume for a quantity surveying job opening.

1. Write Your Resume to the Specific Role and Company

Before drafting your CV, research the company extensively. Visit their official website, social media platforms, and online reviews websites such as Glassdoor and Indeed to learn about their operations, culture, objectives, and mission statement.

Knowledge of the organization enables you to tweak your CV to suit their preferences, values, and expectations better. Align your experiences, education, and skills with those demanded in the advertised job description.

Additionally, use specific keywords from the job description throughout your resume. It is crucial because many companies now use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on certain criteria. These software programs scan documents for specific words and phrases, so including relevant keywords from the job description can increase the chances of your resume getting noticed by the hiring manager.

2. Adopt a Professional Format

Choose a straightforward and organized design that makes your CV easy to skim over by prospective employers. Opt for common font styles, such as Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman, and keep the layout uniform.

Leave sufficient spacing between different segments to improve legibility. Avoid extravagant designs, colors, and patterns since they could potentially distract readers. Instead, aim for simplicity and clarity.

Additionally, consider using headers and subheaders to divide your CV into clear sections, such as “Work Experience,” “Skills,” “Education“, etc. This helps recruiters quickly locate the necessary information without having to sift through large blocks of text.

3. Begin With an Engaging Summary/Objective Statement

Start your CV with a captivating summary or goal declaration that succinctly communicates who you are professionally and emphasizes your core competences. The statement should be clear, brief, and persuasive, leaving a lasting impression.

Bear in mind that this section might be the deciding factor in whether the reader continues reading or moves on to another candidate’s CV.

Here’s how you could structure it: Start with a strong action verb, like “Accomplished” or “Expertise.” Then, briefly outline some of your key achievements, qualities, and career objectives. Make sure to tie them back to the job description and company values when applicable. For instance, if you’re writing resume for a Quantity Surveying position at a construction firm, you could write something like:

Or, alternatively, you could opt for an objective statement format, which focuses on your aspirations rather than past successes. It may read like:

4. Detail Your Work Experience in Chronological Order

List your past positions chronologically, starting from your current or latest one. Outline each post with bullets detailing your principal achievements, measurable outcomes, duties, and responsibilities.

Focus on conveying your value addition to previous organizations, including cost savings achieved, budget management prowess, and successful implementation of innovative solutions.

Avoid repeating yourself unnecessarily or presenting irrelevant details. Use quantifiable data, figures, and percentages wherever feasible to strengthen your claims and make them more convincing. Also, ensure that every bullet point begins with an active verb to give it impact and energy.

Here’s an illustration of what it could look like:

Quantity Surveyor – XYZ Consultancy Services Ltd., Mumbai (January 2018 – Present):

  • Successfully managed a project portfolio worth INR 50 crores, resulting in an overall cost saving of 10% compared to initial estimates due to effective planning and negotiation techniques.
  • Collaborated closely with engineers, architects, and clients to develop detailed feasibility studies, bill of quantities, and tender documentation for various infrastructure projects.
  • Utilized advanced technologies such as BIM, drones, and GPS to optimize resource allocation, minimize waste, and reduce construction timeframes.
  • Led a cross-functional team comprising junior surveyors, technicians, and administrative staff, fostering open lines of communication, promoting collaboration, and instilling a results-driven culture.

Project Coordinator – DEF Engineering Firm, Delhi (June 2016 – December 2017):

  • Supervised multiple concurrent projects ranging from residential complexes to commercial buildings, executing all phases from site investigation to handover smoothly.
  • Streamlined internal processes related to tendering, procurement, change orders, payment applications, and invoice reconciliation, resulting in faster turnaround times and enhanced client satisfaction.
  • Facilitated training sessions for junior colleagues on fundamental QS concepts such as measurement, valuation, estimation, and contract administration.

Intern – GHI Real Estate Developers, Noida (May – August 2015):

  • Provided support to senior QS personnel during project kickoffs, site inspections, progress meetings, and final settlements, learning best practices along the way.
  • Prepared preliminary schedules of rates and prices, assisted in generating takeoff reports, and conducted research on local market conditions.
  • Demonstrated eagerness to absorb new knowledge and display a proactive attitude towards assignments.

5. Mention Notable Certifications, Projects, and Academic Qualifications

Include any prestigious accreditations, licenses, training programs, honors, and recognitions obtained that relate to quantity surveying. Mention the name, location, and date earned alongside the certification body where applicable.

Similarly, enumerate the most critical projects you participated in, detailing their worth, specific tasks undertaken, and resulting benefits. Don’t forget to include your highest academic degree(s), diploma(s), certificate(s), and school affiliation(s).

Overall, ensure all listed items directly correlate to quantity surveying so that the employer can easily comprehend why you deserve consideration for the position.

6. Conclude With a Call-To-Action Statement

A call-to-action (CTA) statement at the end of your CV helps reinforce your interest in the role and encourages the hiring manager to take next steps. It’s essential to make your CTA clear and direct while keeping it concise.

You may consider asking them to contact you through email, phone, or LinkedIn for an interview or follow-up conversation. Alternatively, you might provide a reference upon request or suggest visiting your website or portfolio for more information. Whatever approach you choose, remember to keep your personal information such as email address, phone number, LinkedIn URL, and physical address updated, accurate, and consistent across all communication channels.

Here is a CTA example:

“With a proven track record in quantity surveying and a deep passion for delivering exceptional outcomes, I am confident that my skills and experience align perfectly with this opportunity. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing my credentials further.”

Alternatively, you could also add a call-to-action statement: “I encourage you to reach out to me via [email/phone] to schedule a meeting or learn more about my background. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!”

Overall, a well-crafted conclusion can significantly increase your odds of being invited for an interview or receiving a response regarding your application.

7. Review Your Document Meticulously

It’s imperative to review your CV thoroughly before submitting it. Mistakes like spelling errors, incorrect dates, and inconsistencies can create doubts in the mind of the reader and affect your credibility negatively. Make sure to read every sentence carefully, check the alignment, font size, margins, bullet points consistency, and headings format. Ensure there aren’t any repetitive phrases, irrelevant facts, or unnecessary words. Also, confirm that each section flows logically into the next one. Finally, ask someone trustworthy to double-check your work as our minds sometimes overlook small mistakes. Correctness, clarity, and brevity are critical factors when crafting a quality CV.


In a competitive job market, crafting a polished and compelling quantity surveying job resume is crucial to stand out and secure an interview. By following our step-by-step instructions, you can greatly improve your chances of landing an interview:

  • Tailor your resume to the specific job requirements.
  • Choose a clear layout and highlight your qualifications.
  • Use keywords wisely to increase visibility.
  • Avoid common pitfalls like typos and errors.
  • Seek feedback to refine your Resume.

Remember, your resume should serve as a snapshot of your abilities and potential, reflecting your unique selling proposition. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or recruitment experts to help fine-tune your Resume. And always strive to maintain accuracy, honesty, and relevance throughout your career journey.

By putting these tips into practice, you’re already on your way towards creating a winning quantity surveying job resume. Best of luck in your job search!

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