Steps to Become A Full Member Of RICS (MRICS)

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is a globally recognized professional body promoting and enforcing the highest international standards in the valuation, management, and development of land, real estate, construction, and infrastructure. Becoming a full member of RICS, known as MRICS (Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), is a significant achievement in …

Do Quantity Surveyors Go on Site?

Quantity surveyors are essential members of the construction industry. They are responsible for managing the costs of construction projects, from the initial planning stages to the final completion. Quantity surveyors work closely with clients, contractors, and other stakeholders to ensure that projects are completed within budget and on time. There are two main types of …

Quantity Surveyor Roles and Responsibilities in Construction

Quantity Surveyors: The Pillars of Construction Projects In Civil Engineering and the construction, there’s a special group of professionals who are the backbone of every project. They are the Quantity Surveyors, the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Their role is crucial in the construction industry, and their responsibilities change based on the …

Quantity Surveying and Valuation: How They Work Together

Have you ever seen a construction project go over budget and behind schedule? Unfortunately, this is a common problem in the industry. One of the main reasons for this is poor quantity surveying and valuation practices. Quantity surveying and valuation are two critical aspects in the construction industry. They play a significant role in ensuring that projects are …

Types of Quantity Surveyors: Understanding Roles and Specializations

There are four types of quantity surveyors: PQS, CQS, Sub-trade Quantity Surveyors and Senior Quantity Surveyors. Quantity surveyors (QS) stand as pillars in the construction industry, orchestrating the financial intricacies that define the success of a project. Their responsibilities span from cost estimation to compliance, making them indispensable figures in the construction process. In this …

Quantity Surveying for Civil Engineering: Building Success

Quantity surveying is a critical aspect of civil engineering, concerned with the estimation, planning, and control of costs throughout a construction project. Quantity surveyors play a vital role in ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget, while also optimizing resource utilization and maintaining quality standards. In this article, we will explore the …

Best Construction Management Software of 2024

Top Construction Management Software

The construction industry is rapidly evolving, and construction project management software is at the forefront of this transformation. These digital solutions offer a multitude of benefits, from streamlining workflows to enhancing collaboration. In this article, we’ll explore the best construction project management software in 2024, highlighting essential features and providing recommendations for different types of …

Cost Management Systems in Construction

Effective Cost Management Systems for Construction

Cost management systems are essential for construction projects of all sizes. They help project managers track costs, identify potential overruns, and make informed decisions to stay on budget. The construction is an important industry, with projects often spanning various scales and complexities. One of the key factors that can make or break a construction project …